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JSIG CiA/EnergyBus: EMS

  • Pironex GmbH 4 Stangenland Rostock, MV, 18146 Germany (Karte)


- Acceptance of the meeting minutes 2019-09-11;

- Members of the working group;

- Report from CiA office;

- Report from IEC standardization;

- Discussion on proposals for DCU, HMI and Pedelec profile 1;

- Discussion on proposal for manufacturer adapter / conversion device;

- Discussion on harmonizing IEC 61851-3 terms with CiA 454;

- Miscellaneous;

- Work plan;

- Closing of the meeting and next meeting

We kindly ask you to register for the meeting by a short email notification: headquarters@can-cia.org

Späteres Event: 18. Juni
EnergyBus Schulung